Unwanted reminders popping up


Chris Sonnier

Folks: I recently had to trim back an Outlook .PST file
to under 2GB. I have done this many times (I run a
helpdesk) with no problems. Now the user is getting a
reminder with EVERY new e-mail they get! What can I do
to fix this? Also the "Inbox" is now named "recoverd
folder" and will not let me re-name it. Help!

Thank You,
Chris Sonnier <><
Facilities Coordinator
Getronics Infrastructure
9009 West Loop South
Suite 500
Tel: 713-852-5356
Beeper: 1-877-567-5378
(e-mail address removed)

Robert Crayk Outlook MVP

I might be inclined to start a new profile and drag drop from the old pst