Wow! THAT sounds like a real showcase way of using OneNote!
Do most of the kids in class use laptops and OneNote?
Also, you mentoned a wireless projector. This is the first I've ever
heard of those. Is this something you've rigged up using a second
computer or something, or is there really a projector that uses a
wireless connection to the computer? (Sorry if this makes me sound like
I'm just crawling out of a cave or something. I try to keep up with the
latest and greatest gadgets and stuff, but this one's managed to slip
under the radar somehow.)
(If anyone from Microsoft's listening in on this, you should definitely
get the marketing people in touch with this person!)
I've been using the tablet in the classroom for three or four years now. I'm
wireless to a projector overhead and i use OneNote instead of a board or an
overhead. I do lots of math on it and import from Computer Algebra and
graphing programs such as Derive and Autograph. I can hand the tablet to a
kid who can then do a problem and have the class critique.At the end of the
class I publish to a folder on the school's web, thereby allowing kids who
missed class to update or even to allow kids to download the notes later so
that they can pay better attention to what we're doing in class. Can even
record audio or video in the OneNote session.
Eventually, I'm forseeing some sort of infrared ability to upload kids' work
from their laptops and for them to download from mine, but that seems a bit
in the future. In all, though, OneNote has provided a perfect platform from
which to do all of these things because it accepts so many varied downloads.
The natural organization of it keeps classes and days, as well as semesters,
all in order. Hope this helps.
-- //Steve//
Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)