Unwanted toolbars reappearing in Word 2003



I have deselected the Reviewing and Drawing toolbars in View > Toolbars.
Still, these toolbars appear automatically on screen when I don't want them;
e.g., when I open an existing document to edit it, the Reviewing toolbar pops
onto the screen. I then go back into View > Toolbars and deselect the
unwanted toolbar, but it pops back out again after I've gone into another
window and returned to the original window. How do I fix this annoying
poblem? Or is it just another of those unfixable bugs?

Lennard van Putten

Perhaps your change is a "session / document" specific change...
Did you try to use the View- toolbars - Customize
and next to select the Toolbars tab.. the Reset button where you select the
value normal.dot
I think your problem should now be solved as normal.dot holds a lot of this
kind of information.
note. before doing this action. Search on your hard disc for the file
normal.dot and make a back up copy. Just in case. I do not know what the
reset button does in detail.

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