Conditionally, yes.
If you have licensed copy of Winzip, you can download a command line version
from their web site. Here is an example from an app I did about 7 years ago:
'Create the ZIP File
strZipPath = DLookup("[SYSVALUE]", "dfsys", "[SYSCODE]='MZIP_PROG'")
strZipFile = "ST" & DLookup("[SYSVALUE]", "dfsys",
Format$(Date, "MMDD") & ".ZIP"
On Error Resume Next
intZipVal = Shell(strZipPath & "wzzip -yp " & strFoxProPath & strZipFile
& " " & strFoxProPath & "wd*.dbf", vbNormalFocus)
If intZipVal = 0 Or Err.Number = 53 Then
MsgBox "Could not Create ZIP File for State Transmission" & vbCrLf & _
"ZIP File May be Created Manually for Transmission",
vbExclamation, "Error"
End If
alexhatzisavas said:
Hi all.
Is it possible to use Access to automate the extraction of data from a
zipped file (WinZip) into a text file?
Thank you,