Up/down arrows don't work with data validation list/in-cell dropdown


David Jones

I have a number of worksheets where I use the in-cell dropdown (from
list) function of data validation. When I open the list by either
clicking on the drop down button or by pressing Alt-Down arrow, the
only way I can move through the list is to grab the scroll bar itself
and move it down. The up and down buttons do not function nor does
clicking in the open space just above or below the scroll bar.

Any ideas as to what is causing this?

David Jones

Earl Kiosterud


I just set up an entire column with Data Validation with List. I used 39
entries in the list. The up/down buttons are working as they should. The
only odd thing I notice is that if I open it with Alt-Down, the mouse
pointer remains a cross, not an arrow, when over the up/down buttons, or any
item in the list. But it still works. Dunno.

David Jones

I just played around again with this and happened to discover that, if
I move my mouse during the click while over either the up or down
arrows in the list or on the areas just above and below the vertical
scroll bar, the expected behaviour happens - the list scrolls. If I
don't move my mouse during the click, nothing happens! Very strange!
At least I can use it better now though. I'd still like to know why
this might be happening. I'm using XL 2002 under Windows 2000 using a
remote desktop connection.


Earl Kiosterud


Gee, now you tell us! :) If your remote desktop connection means that
Excel is running on a remote machine, and the connection is passing the KVM
(keyboard, video, and mouse) stuff, I'd sure suspect potential trouble

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