Upcoming exams need help with formulas



Hi please can someone help. i have just done a few mock exams for an
Advanced Excel course that i am sitting in 3 days and there are a few
questions that have absolutely flumoxed me. can anyone shine any light on
these please.

1) calculate the sum of contracts by country greater than 5
2) calculate the highest individual projected revenue of all countries
with greater than 3 contracts and projected revenue greater than 25
3) calculate the projected revenue increase for the year 2002 using set
contidione ie less than 30 projeected increase = 3%

I know this wont make much sence to you unless you see the worksheets i am
working on. i just need to know where i can find information on how to build
up formulas that can do this.

was doing quite well till these popped up. i have been through help and
none of it makes any sence

Luke M

All three sound like you're trying to do calculations based on multiple
criteria. Given those scenarios, I would tackle them using SUMPRODUCT.
Sumproduct can mutliply sevearl arrays (usually created by a criteria check
creating TRUE/FALSE sets) and then a final multiplication against the numbers
you want. (since TRUE*TRUE*5 = 5).

Link to a site that uses/explains SUMPRODUCT


And of course, you can prb do a search of these forums for "sumproduct" and
get results similar to what you're looking for.

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