Updatable One To Many Query


Mens Militis

I have a query connecting two tables in a one to many relationship, both have
a field (Boolean ie Check Mark) that must store the same value.
Example: if Table1.Field1 = True then Table2.Field2 must = True

I am displaying this query on a form, and want the user to be able to check
only the one field (table1.Field1), and i expect that to automaticly populate
the field with mutiple records (table2.field2) without having to use code
behind the check mark.

This is required due to the structure of my database, however, because of
the one to many relationship, i get a "must use an updatable query." error.

Is there any way to force this within the query without using code?

And why the ^%&$ hasn't Microsoft allowed for this ... it's been a problem
since Access 95.

Frustrated and Confused,

Mens Militis

John Vinson

I have a query connecting two tables in a one to many relationship, both have
a field (Boolean ie Check Mark) that must store the same value.
Example: if Table1.Field1 = True then Table2.Field2 must = True

Then your table contains redundant data, and is incorrectly
structured. The value of any field in a table should depend ONLY upon
the primary key of the table. Table2 should NOT contain this field at
all, if you want to have your tables properly normalized.
I am displaying this query on a form, and want the user to be able to check
only the one field (table1.Field1), and i expect that to automaticly populate
the field with mutiple records (table2.field2) without having to use code
behind the check mark.

You cannot.
This is required due to the structure of my database, however, because of
the one to many relationship, i get a "must use an updatable query." error.

Eh? A one to many relationship query is perfectly well updateable, if
you have a Primary Key on the "one" table joining field.
Is there any way to force this within the query without using code?

You'll have to at least call the update query from code. But perhaps
you could explain why this redundant, unneccessary field needs to
exist "due to the structure of your database". You could always just
use a Query joining the two tables and display the value of
Table1.Field1 in conjunction with the other fields of Table2!

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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