update 12.1 stalls indefinitely



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

will someone be able to help me understand why progress stands still in my "Installer" window when I try installing the 12.1 update?

Diane Ross

will someone be able to help me understand why progress stands still in my
"Installer" window when I try installing the 12.1 update?

There could be several reasons. Did you quit all applications before running
the updater? Did you move Office from the root Application folder?

Steve Maser

Diane said:
There could be several reasons. Did you quit all applications before running
the updater? Did you move Office from the root Application folder?

It's possible it's the bug introduced after the last Apple Security

A number of my users asked about this.

An applescript box throws up *in the background* really wanting you to
quit the Microsoft AutoUpdate application so the installer can proceed.

But it doesn't say that.

So, usually if you quit MAU and click the Applescript box to make it go
away, then the installer progresses.

YMMV, of course...

- Steve

Diane Ross

Steve Maser said:
It's possible it's the bug introduced after the last Apple Security

A number of my users asked about this.

An applescript box throws up *in the background* really wanting you to
quit the Microsoft AutoUpdate application so the installer can proceed.

Normally, when this bug happens, it eventually goes on with the install, but
you end up with a corrupted install. The best option is to log out/in with
Shift key down to quit all login items from launching.

Apple Security Update blocks Microsoft's update process (The Entourage Help

In case the above link does not work:


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