Update a configure timeline dialog box programatically



I am dropping a embedded timeline on to a drawing and I want to
programatically update the configure timeline dialog box programatically. Is
there a way to have the document stencil have an embedded timeline that
already has the dates in it so the configure timeline dialog box does not
come up? Any ideas? Thanks

Al Edlund

try something like this,

' since we are going to call these from data recordsets we can use
' properties to cut down on the code
Public Sub InsertCylindricalTimeLine()

' user.displaybe 0/1 begin and end dates of timeline
' user.displayintm 0/1 interim markers
' user.autoupdate 0/1 update markers (milestones, intervals)
' user.displayIntmdates 0/1 dates on interim ticks

' user.visShapeType = 10

' prop.visType
' prop.visBeginDate
' prop.visEndDate

Dim visApp As Visio.Application
Set visApp = Application

Dim visDoc As Visio.Document
Dim visMaster As Visio.Master
Dim visTL As Visio.Shape

Dim dblBeginDate As Double
dblBeginDate = CDbl(ThisDocument.tlStartDate)
If dblBeginDate = 0 Then Exit Sub

Dim dblEndDate As Double
dblEndDate = CDbl(ThisDocument.tlEndDate)
If dblEndDate = 0 Then Exit Sub

If dblEndDate <= dblBeginDate Then Exit Sub

Set visDoc = Application.Documents.Item("TIMELN_U.VSS")
Set visMaster = visDoc.Masters.ItemU("Cylindrical timeline")
visApp.AlertResponse = 1

Set visTL = visApp.ActiveWindow.Page.Drop _
(visMaster, _
ThisDocument.tlPinX, _

' put the dates into the timeline
Dim visCell As Visio.Cell

If visTL.CellExists("user.visbegindate", False) = True Then
Set visCell = visTL.Cells("user.visbegindate")
visCell.FormulaU = dblBeginDate
End If

If visTL.CellExists("user.visenddate", False) = True Then
Set visCell = visTL.Cells("user.visenddate")
visCell.FormulaU = dblEndDate
End If

visApp.AlertResponse = 0

End Sub

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