Update a table




i have a data base that records of complaints and i need to keep all
inputted data even if a record is deleted

i have a main table which i want to update to another table periodically
(once data has been inputted) but only additions to the table!

so that even though a record may be deleted out of the main table it will be
kept in the second table!

is this possible

thanks in advance

Thomas A. Rowe

Suggest you post this to the Access newsgroup.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


Mike Mueller

As Thomas states, you can probably get a better answer in an Access NG

What I would do would be to not delete records- there are a few options on
what to actually do

#1 Add a Y/N field to the table called 'deleted'. Create a query on that
table to select all with a condition that deleted = false. Then use a form
to read the information using that query as the source
#2 Create a 'structure only' copy of the table and name it accordingly (eg
tblDeleted), and when the user uses the 'delete' button on the form reading
the original table, perform an append query of the in-use record to the
'tblDeleted', and then do the record deletion

I would probably do a version of option 1

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