Update all tabs, incrementing one week per tab


Ken Peterson


We use Excel 2007 for our weekly time sheet. Each tab is labeled that date
of the Saturday for each week. I have a formula to include the tab name in
the worksheet for that week. Is there a macro or vb code I can use to update
all of the tabs to increment one week for the 52 weeks in a year.

For example, for our 2009 timesheet, the label for tab one (week one) will
be 01-03-2009, for tab 2 (week 2) it will be 01-10-2009, tab 3 (week 3) will
be 01-17-2009, etc.

I am assuming that if I name the first tab 01-03-2009 I should be able to
add 7 days to each tab from the rpevious week's tab, but I do not know how to
do this.

I see tips for incrementing monthly, but not weekly using the date.

Thank you for your help.

Ken Peterson

I found the answer (with a little modification) in the Excel General
Questions forum.

Full credit to Bob Phillips
Post name: Subject: I want to change the name of (52) worksheets.

Here it is:

Sub mymacro()
Dim i As Long
Dim start As Date
With ActiveWorkbook
start = DateValue(Replace(.Worksheets(1).Name, "", ""))
For i = 2 To .Worksheets.Count
Worksheets(i).Name = Format(start + (i - 1) * 7, "mm-dd-yyyy")
Next i
End With
End Sub

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