Update Datasheet



I have
- A datasheet which has budget and expenditure by account code
- A sub datasheet where you can see and enter expenditure items.

The main datasheet shows summary information from the sub datasheet such as
total expenditure. This comes from a query which uses a sum to total
expenditure by account.

What I want to do is:

- Enter an expense item in the sub datasheet
- Exit the sub datasheet which would save the expenditure item
- Update the main datasheet with the new expenditure total.

The problem
I can use the AfterUpdate event on the subform to do a recalc on the main
datasheet (Forms!frmExpenditure.Recalc) and it works except for one
irritating thing. If you click on the minus button to roll up the sub
datasheet, the form recalcs and you have to click it again to close the sub
datasheet. Certainly not a show stopper but it would be nice if I could
have it run AFTER the sub datasheet is rolled up. I have tried OnCurrent and
OnActivate but neither seem to work.

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