Update date when record is revised



I would like to update the date field on a record whenever that record is
modified. I've tried the following code which I got from MS Help without
success. I've installed this code in the Before Update property of the
date/time field.

On Error GoTo BeforeUpdateErr

'Set bound control to system date.
DateModified = Date


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical & vbOKOnly,_
"Error Number" & Err.Number & "Occurred"
Resome BeforeUpdate_End


It really should go in the Before Update event of the form, not the control.
You said you want a date when the record is updated, but what you are trying
would update the date even if a user only viewed the record.

Assuming DateModified is a control on your form (can't tell because you
don't use good naming conventions), It should be:

Me.DateModified = Date

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