Has any information in the Excel file been changed Yes
Which version of Office are you using
Office X
Is the Excel object formatted in-line with the text, or does it have textwrap
formatting applied?
Formatted in-line
If you use HTML from "paste special" (as a test) do you see
any different result after updating has occurred?
----- Cindy M -WordMVP- skrev: ----
Hi =?Utf-8?B?YW5vbnltb3Vz?=,
Instead of using "objects" i tried your way "paste special" and still that wont correct my problem.
Either way the excel-doc is linked in to the word-doc
Depends on what format you use to "paste special". If you choose "object" you
should get the same thing as with Insert/Object, yes
My word document contains excel-docs (objects). When I open the word-doc word
ask a queastion about automatic update the objects. I click Yes but no the changes
in the excel docs är not updated
Has any information in the Excel file been changed? If you're set up to get the
prompt, you'll get it even if there's nothing to be changed/updated. Word doesn't
know whether there is when it prompts, it's basically asking you if it should go
and check
Which version of Office are you using
Is the Excel object formatted in-line with the text, or does it have textwrap
formatting applied? If you use HTML from "paste special" (as a test) do you see
any different result after updating has occurred
Cindy Meiste
INTER-Solutions, Switzerlan
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003
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