George Stevenson
How would this need to be changed if you wanted to UPDATE the contents of a
field in the tblSuppliers Table that is being displayed on the Form?
field in the tblSuppliers Table that is being displayed on the Form?
"=DLookUp("[SupName]","tblSuppliers","[txtSupAccountCode]"=Forms!frmInvoiceRFredg said:You placed a quote in the wrong place and left out an "&".
=DLookUp("[SupName]","tblSuppliers","[txtSupAccountCode] = " &
The above assumes [txtSupAccountCode] is a Number datatype.
If it is a Text datatype then use:
"[txtSupAccountCode] = '" & Forms!frmInvoiceReturned!Supplier & "'")
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PC said:Hi,
I want to display a field from an unrelated table on a form.
Data is displayed on a form when a particular Invoice number is chosen from
a lookup field. Supplier account codes are displayed (The account Code is
what is stored in the Related table [tblInvoice] having originally been
selected from another table [tblSuppliers] with which it has a Many-toOne
Relationship) but I would like to display the account name beside the
account code
I have tried using a Dlookup on a text box