Update Field

  • Thread starter Ricardo Furtado
  • Start date

Ricardo Furtado

I have two table with identical information (fields), but one of them is
updated and the other is the one i need to update. I'm doing this in Visual
basic 6 but i've posted here because i'm using sql to do the job.
So, my problem is this:
When i detect that the 'destination' table doesn't have a certain field i
use the SQL 'UPDATE' function to create the field, acording to the updated
table field name, but the field properties remain the ones by default. So,
for instance, if i have a field that is of type 'YES/NO' the updated table
has the following properties:
Format: Yes/No
Indexed: yes (authorized duplication)

but the table i'm updating gets something like:
Indexed: NO

Is there any way to change these properties with SQL? How?

my thanks in advanced

Jeff Boyce

You've described a lot of "how", as in how you are trying to do something.

Why? As in "why are you trying to create an identical table?" I'm asking
about the underlying business need you hope to solve by doing this.

It may be that by knowing more what problem you are attempting to solve, the
newsgroup readers can offer alternate approaches.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Ricardo Furtado

Thanks for your reply

Well, the objective is to have a media (CD/DVD) with updated databases (the
database structure) and run the .exe in each client in order to update their
database with the new structure

Best Regards

Ricardo Furtado

Jeff Boyce

Do a search on "Front-end updated" via your favorite search engine. Tony
T's website has one approach to keeping each client "current"


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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