I do technical support in a law office. Our users only
use Word if our clients demand it. Many, many problems
have arisen, but I'll start with one annoying one:
File paths are enterd on every document, if I change the
name of the document (save as another name, I want the
field (file path)to be updated immediately without having
to print, print preview, or select and update fields by
selecting f9.
Saving and reopening the docoment does not update the
field, why????
use Word if our clients demand it. Many, many problems
have arisen, but I'll start with one annoying one:
File paths are enterd on every document, if I change the
name of the document (save as another name, I want the
field (file path)to be updated immediately without having
to print, print preview, or select and update fields by
selecting f9.
Saving and reopening the docoment does not update the
field, why????