update headers/footers with field codes for xref


Chip Orange

We've got a document template that we're creating that places a bookmark
around a placeholder field. We then cross-reference this bookmark in the
document and in the headers/footers.

Our problem is that when the user, usually not very experienced, types into
this field (and we do have an extra space to preserve the bookmark), it's
not updated in the rest of the document or the headers/footers.

What would be the best way for us to cause an immediate update of these
fields? I doubt we'll be able to get the user to find each location and
update the field, or even to update all fields in the body, then the headers
and footers. If we don't make it happen immediately, we're likely to
generate a lot of support calls.



Charles Kenyon

In addition to Jay's suggestion, look into "online forms." Where you only
want user input in certain places they work pretty well. The fields created
using the Forms toolbar become indestructible bookmarks when the document is
protected for forms.

Alternatively, look at using macrobutton fields inside your bookmarks (with
space around). When the user tries to change these, the entire field, and
only the field, is selected, preserving your bookmarks.

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:
<URL: http://addbalance.com/word/index.htm>

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)
<URL: http://addbalance.com/usersguide/index.htm>

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL: http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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