Update Link - Table Shifts



I have a word document that is linked to several excel tables. Whenever I
update a table, it shifts the table in the word document to the left. I want
it to stay centered on the page. Any way I can fix this? thank you!


Does the "table" object have a layout setting of InLineWithText and the
paragraph alignment as Centre?
If the object has any other layout there can be tendency to move.
Hope this helps


The paragraph alignment is Center, and the table propeties in Word is set for
a horizontal Center. Just when I update a value in Excel and it changes it
in Word, the table position shifts in Word each time. I have the page setup
in Excel to be centered horizontal and vertical. Still can't get it to work.


Have you tried the Table alignment set as Left instead of Centre and let the
paragraph setting take care of the positioning?

Back to basics: How have you created the table with the link to Excel?


I copied the table from excel and pasted it into word. Then clicked the icon
in the bottom right of the table and chose to keep source formatting and link
with excel.

If I go to Format>Paragraph and change to center alignment, it doesn't do
anything to the table. If I select the table and go to table properties I
can center the table properly. If I change a value in excel, it will also
change in word but the table shifts out of center.


How about trying the other way of inserting a Excel link.
Copy the Excel range, Edit Paste special, Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet
Object, check the Paste Link on the left. Ensure that the Layout alignment is
This gives you and object that the paragraph centre setting will control
position through an update.
Depending on the formatting of the original, sometimes the result may not be
exactly what you have in the Excel.
Hope this helps.


thank you, that worked

DeanH said:
How about trying the other way of inserting a Excel link.
Copy the Excel range, Edit Paste special, Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet
Object, check the Paste Link on the left. Ensure that the Layout alignment is
This gives you and object that the paragraph centre setting will control
position through an update.
Depending on the formatting of the original, sometimes the result may not be
exactly what you have in the Excel.
Hope this helps.

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