Update links & calculations upon command


J.W. Aldridge


I have a workbook that is rather large. It contains a link and a list
of calculations. Instead of having to wait 2-3 minutes for this
workbook to open ( update link and perform the calculations), I'd
rather link this action to a button to be excecuted only after the
data is changed.

Any suggestions on a code to perform all calculations and links upon
command and then turn them both off?


Gary''s Student

You don't need any VBA to accomplish your goal:

1. Open Excel (not the file) and set the calculation mode to manual
2. From Excel (not double-clicking an icon) open the file
the file will open in manual mode
3. Tell the Wizard not to update links
4. Do your editting

When you are ready to refresh & recalculate:

5. Set the calculation mode to automatic
6. Edit > Replace >
replacewhat =
replacewith =

Replacing equal signs with equal signs will force the re-evaluation of all
the equations in the sheet. All links will get updatted and values

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