Update Links prompt



I am opening an Excel document programatically through VBA no matter what
I've tried I cannot get it to display the security warning in the Message bar
"update of automatic links is disabled". The users want this to come up so
they can decide. I have tried every combination of the
Application.AskToUpdateLinks and Open(..., UpdateLinks :=...) and still the
Message bar will not appear. If you open the file from disk on its own, it
always comes up with the message bar.

For now I have a workaround with a message box that asks them if they want
to update links then forces the parameter in the Workbook.Open method, but
would really like to know if I could get the standard behaviour.



Use somethinbg like


Workbooks.Open FileNmae:= _
"C:\My Documents\test.xls", UpdateLinks:=xlUpdateLinksAlway

Alternative settings



Unfortunately none of those provide the user with the prompt in the Message
bar. The want the ability to update links sometimes and not others. The
below settings force the updating or not. As I said before I have a
workaround which prompts them with a message box which passes the values to
the UpdateLinks parameter in the Open method. It would be better to use the
built in Excel alert/prompt.


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