Update lower case to capitols



Hi, all the names in a 'Suburb Name' field have been
changed to lower case (not sure how) and I'd like to run
an update query to change these back to capitols (first
letter only). Also, where the name has two words, i.e
Beverly Hills, both words have been changed to lower case
and I'd like to update these also.

Any help appreciated.

John Viescas

SET [Suburb Name] = StrConv([Suburb Name], 3)

John Viescas, author
"Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out" (coming soon)
"Running Microsoft Access 2000"
"SQL Queries for Mere Mortals"
(Microsoft Access MVP since 1993)

John Spencer (MVP)

Use the StrConv function. StrConv(FieldName,3)

UPDATE TableName
SET [Suburb Name] = StrConv([Suburb Name],3)
WHERE [Suburb Name] is not null

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