Update Microsoft Office Software


Faamaoni Iumalo

How do we up date Microsoft office Software 98 to 2003?
How useful,feasibility,cost effectiveness,productivity and availabilty is
this software?

These are the questions that need to be answer so could you please reply
back to my email as soon as possible as to where i could find the answer to
my questions

Thank you

Faamaoni Iumalo

Don MI

Faamaoni Iumalo said:
How do we up date Microsoft office Software 98 to 2003?
How useful,feasibility,cost effectiveness,productivity and availabilty is
this software?

These are the questions that need to be answer so could you please reply
back to my email as soon as possible as to where i could find the answer
my questions

Thank you

Faamaoni Iumalo

Why do your questions need to be answered? Upgrades are your choice, not
mine or anyone else.

Office 98 is Mac software. Office 2003 is Windows software. To upgrade from
Office 98 to Office 2003, you must first change your operating system.

If your actually have a Mac computer and Office 98, then you would upgrade,
if at all, to Office 2004 for Mac. Check the Office web site for the
differences and make your own decision.


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