Update multiple links in different sections by selecting the F9 ke


Ian Shaw

Hi Guys,

I have a rather larhe document that requires updating several differnet
links (setup via the File|Properties) and when these links are selected and
updated only the currently selected section is updated. I have tried
selecting the whole document via CTRL A and selecting the F9 key but that
only updates the current section that has been highlighted and does not
update the links that are in different sections. The different sections are
set up via inputting section breaks. It would be nice to know how to
automatically update all the links in the different sections as I have about
6 different sections all up and rather than going through the whole document
it would be nice to update all links in just one sweep!!

Please help me guys, its quite frustrating !!



Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Ctrl+A should select all 6 Sections of the document so that when you press
F9 all of the links should be updated.

I must admit however, I do not know what you mean by the links being "setup
via the File|Properties".

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Stefan Blom

in message
Ctrl+A should select all 6 Sections of the document so that when you press
F9 all of the links should be updated.

I must admit however, I do not know what you mean by the links being
"setup via the File|Properties".

My guess is that the OP is referring to fields (such as DOCPROPERTY fields)
which display the contents of the Title, Subject, etc. boxes in the Document
Properties dialog box.

Ian Shaw

Yes Doug I have already tried using the CTRL A to select the whole document
but this does not seem to select all the sections in the header and footer
(all the 6 different sections). The sections in the header and footer must
be selected seperatly and then updated.

Yes Stefan your guess is correct

Ian Shaw

Would you believe that one of my friends told a much easier way to update
fields/links etc including those in headers and footers by the following

Goto View|and select Normal Layout
select all and then depress F9

Reselect the Print layout and then have a guess what!!

It is actually updated, including the headers and footers!!

No requirement for the macro!!


P.S - I thought you may be interested!!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The reason that works is that all fields in the header and footer are
updated when the document is repaginated (see “WD97: Fields Updated When
Document Repaginated†at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=89953), and it
is repaginated every time you switch from Normal to Print Layout view.

Stefan Blom

And to clarify further: not all fields are updated when the document is
repaginated, but the macro does update all fields.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You can also just use Print>Preview and then close it.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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