Update multiple records in same table



I have a scheduling system that maintains timeslots for 3 different
locations. Employees can work in various timeslots (ex: 8 am to 2 pm) in any
combination of the 3 locations. I have one table (Calendar) that stores the
Location, Day, a unique number and the employee. I also have specific unique
numbers for each Location and day for up to 3 "Days off". There are 3 forms
(one for each location) that shows all of the Timeslots and allows them to
enter the employee where they are scheduled to work. Here is the problem:
When they enter an employee for a Day Off on one of the calendars, it only
shows on that specific calendar. I would like all 3 of the calendars to be
updated with just one entry. This could be done on a new form. I don't know
how to code updating records. Here is what I would like:

When employee is entered for Monday for a day off: It would update the
calendar records where Location=CV, Day=11, Number = 20 and where Location =
BH, Day = 11, Number =21 and where Location = MW, Day = 11, Number = 21 with
the employee initials entered.

Would I use the AfterUpdate event? Can you help with the code I would need
to make these 3 updates?

Thank you if you are able to help. Sherry

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