Update Multiple Records

  • Thread starter frontpagecustoms.com
  • Start date


is it possible to edit multiple records in a database table using one

Here's the application? I have a site allows families to register
children for a summer camp. However I enter the payments manually
once the check is received. I would like to be able to call up all of
the children in the family in one form to add their payment
information to the data in their record. Currently I can only edit
one record at a time (?=UniqueChildID). I would like to edit multiple
records (?=UniqueFamilyID).

Any help or direction you have on how this can be done... if this can
be done, would be helpful.


Mike Mueller

That can be done, best methods to use would probably be in a NG for
whichever db system you are using

Thomas A. Rowe

NG = newsgroup

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

That can be done, best methods to use would probably be in a NG for
whichever db system you are using

Please explain what "NG" means.

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