Update Pivot page field from a cell entry


Santhosh Mani

Please find below a code which I recieved from this discussion forum and used
with Excel 2003. This code is used to update a pivot page field by entering
required value in a particular cell (Cell F4 in the below code) and double
click on it. This code is working perfect with Excel 2003 but when I convert
the same file into Excel 2007 and try to use it, I get debug screen pointed
to the line - SubNum.CurrentPage = Pi.Value.

Can someone help with this issue and make this code work under Excel 2007.
Thanks in advance.. Santhosh
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As

Dim SubNum As PivotField

If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If IsEmpty(Target.Value) Then Exit Sub
If Target.Address = "$F$4" Then
Set SubNum = Worksheets("StmtData").PivotTables _
("PivotTable1").PageFields( _

For Each Pi In SubNum.PivotItems
If Pi.Value = Target.Text Then
SubNum.CurrentPage = Pi.Value
Exit For
End If
End If


End Sub

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