Update query error: "Operation must use an updateable query"



Hello, community!
I work for a hospital that is collecting data on patients for a small study.
I have one table with my list of patients and another table (pulled from
another source) that contains heaps of data on these patients and more. Not
all of the patients in my small table will have data in the huge one.
I'm attempting to use an update query to enter the max value for my patients
into my small table from the large one, but I get the error, "Operation must
use an updateable query." I'm sure I need to give you more information than
this, but I'm not quite sure what else is needed. Could you please advise?
Thank you for your time.


Change the aggregate MAX to the VBA function DMax. A query with an
aggregate is NOT updateable.

Vanderghast, Access MVP

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