Ember said:
Could anyone provide a bit more instructions on how to use this solution.
seem to be at a loss as to where this code should be typed.
I also have a field [File Name] in which some records have a leading space
that I would like deleted. Not all of my records have this space issue.
Please help, I am not interested in hand deleting 6900 records!
Marshall Barton said:
UPDATE thetable
SET textfield = LTrim(textfield)
In Database Window that shows "Objects"
in left pane, click on "Queries."
Then in right pane, click on "Create Query in Design View"
In the Show Table dialog box,
click on your table,
click Add,
and then click Close.
You should now show your table
in the query designer.
Double-click on the field in the table that you want to update.
It should appear in a column in the grid, something like:
{if your table were named "thetable"
and your field were named "textfield"}
Field: textfield
Table: thetable
Show: <checked>
In upper menu click on "Query...Update Query"
Your grid should change to something like:
Field: textfield
Table: thetable
Update To:
In the "Update To:" row, type in something like:
where we wrapped the fieldname in brackets
then applied the trim function to that field.
the grid should now look like:
Field: textfield
Table: thetable
Update To: LTrim([textfield])
Save the query (say as "qryupdTrimField")
There are several ways to execute this update query.
While you have Query Designer open, click on the
red exclamation icon to run the update query.
What Marshall gave you was the SQL text for your query.
While in Query Designer, you can choose to go to
"SQL View" where you will see the "text" like Marshall