Here is the code: UPDATE [Results Table] SET [Results Table].ResultID =
Import.ResultID, [Results Table].Q1 = Import.Q1, [Results Table].Q1T =
Import.Q1T, [Results Table].Q2 = Import.Q2, [Results Table].Q2A = Import.Q2A;
This is just a portion of the code. I import the data from excel and put it
in the import table. Now on the results table I do have an id that is not
populated in the import table since it is an autonumber format. I have tried
append and update queries and I am having no luck. I thought I had this
working before.
This is what I want
All the records in the import table I want added to the existing records in
the Results Table. Then I will delete the import table.
Import.ResultID, [Results Table].Q1 = Import.Q1, [Results Table].Q1T =
Import.Q1T, [Results Table].Q2 = Import.Q2, [Results Table].Q2A = Import.Q2A;
This is just a portion of the code. I import the data from excel and put it
in the import table. Now on the results table I do have an id that is not
populated in the import table since it is an autonumber format. I have tried
append and update queries and I am having no luck. I thought I had this
working before.
This is what I want
All the records in the import table I want added to the existing records in
the Results Table. Then I will delete the import table.