I have an update query that I use to update a table with data from another
table. However, my "Finish" table is a checkbox (0 and -1). When I run the
query it does not update. How can I get the Finish field to update? Thank
you in advance for any help will be greatly appreciated.
field: Finish
Table: Tracking Table
Update to: NZ([tbl tracking table].[Finish],[tbl tracking table1].[Finish])
field: Finish
Table: Tracking Table1
Update to: NZ([tbl tracking table].[Finish],[tbl tracking table1].[Finish])
table. However, my "Finish" table is a checkbox (0 and -1). When I run the
query it does not update. How can I get the Finish field to update? Thank
you in advance for any help will be greatly appreciated.
field: Finish
Table: Tracking Table
Update to: NZ([tbl tracking table].[Finish],[tbl tracking table1].[Finish])
field: Finish
Table: Tracking Table1
Update to: NZ([tbl tracking table].[Finish],[tbl tracking table1].[Finish])