I am trying to make an update query but have some performance issues...
I need to compare a folder with pictures to an excel file, to see if the
pictures exist in the excell file when they exist in the folder...
I want to create 3 different things:
1 - The image exist in the folder but not in the excel file (add txt: Add
2 - The picture exist in both (add txt: Good)
3- Picture does not exist in the folder (add txt: No Picture)..
What I have done so far:
I have send the DIR command to a txt file and imported this into MS-Access,
removing the extentions, leaving only the names. Since all names are product
numbers it will result in the following: 123456.jpg --> 123456
I have called this table PDrive with the fields ID (autonumber) and Field1
Then I imported the Excell file that was exported from our software into a
table called RMPro, with the fields: ID (autonumber), Number (number),
Imagefile (number) and Test (text)
Now I need to compare Field1 with ImageFile.. They both are modified to only
have numers, so it should be easy right?
My queries:
1- Add Image
UPDATE PDrive, RugMan SET RugMan.Test = "Add Image"
WHERE ((([RugMan]![Number])=[PDrive]![Field1]) AND
This one works great, no problems
2- Good
UPDATE PDrive, RugMan SET RugMan.Test = "GOOD"
WHERE ((([RugMan]![Number])=[PDrive]![Field1]) AND
Also works without any problems.
3-No Picture
UPDATE PDrive, RugMan SET RugMan.Test = "GOOD"
WHERE ((([RugMan]![Number])=[PDrive]![Field1]) AND
Here is the PROBLEM... This query I can let run for hours, but it never
seems to finish...
Anyone has any idea why and what the solution to this is?
I need to compare a folder with pictures to an excel file, to see if the
pictures exist in the excell file when they exist in the folder...
I want to create 3 different things:
1 - The image exist in the folder but not in the excel file (add txt: Add
2 - The picture exist in both (add txt: Good)
3- Picture does not exist in the folder (add txt: No Picture)..
What I have done so far:
I have send the DIR command to a txt file and imported this into MS-Access,
removing the extentions, leaving only the names. Since all names are product
numbers it will result in the following: 123456.jpg --> 123456
I have called this table PDrive with the fields ID (autonumber) and Field1
Then I imported the Excell file that was exported from our software into a
table called RMPro, with the fields: ID (autonumber), Number (number),
Imagefile (number) and Test (text)
Now I need to compare Field1 with ImageFile.. They both are modified to only
have numers, so it should be easy right?
My queries:
1- Add Image
UPDATE PDrive, RugMan SET RugMan.Test = "Add Image"
WHERE ((([RugMan]![Number])=[PDrive]![Field1]) AND
This one works great, no problems
2- Good
UPDATE PDrive, RugMan SET RugMan.Test = "GOOD"
WHERE ((([RugMan]![Number])=[PDrive]![Field1]) AND
Also works without any problems.
3-No Picture
UPDATE PDrive, RugMan SET RugMan.Test = "GOOD"
WHERE ((([RugMan]![Number])=[PDrive]![Field1]) AND
Here is the PROBLEM... This query I can let run for hours, but it never
seems to finish...
Anyone has any idea why and what the solution to this is?