That is a calculated field and the entire expression belongs in the
"Field cell" of a query. I must have mislead you. You would not create
a new field in the table.
Field: IsDue: IIF([Training Date]<DateAdd("yyyy",-1,Date()), "Due","OK")
Criteria: Blank
IsDue is a name given to the result. If you don't assign a name to a
calculated field, Access will. Then you will end up with something like
Field: Expr1: IIF([Training Date]<DateAdd("yyyy",-1,Date()), "Due","OK")
Criteria: Blank
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Hi John,
Thanks for your reply. I created a new field in the table and name it IsDue
then in the Criteria field in the Query, I enter IIF([Training
Date]<DateAdd("yyyy",-1,Date()), "Due","OK")
but nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?
John Spencer said:
Use an expression in a query that looks like the following.
Field: IsDue: IIF([Training Date]<DateAdd("yyyy",-1,Date()), "Due","OK")
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Alchemist61 wrote:
Hi Guys,
I would greatly appreciated some help in building a Query that would check a
Training Date Column and return the results in another Column that if the
Training Date is more than one year ago, then it will return a value as DUE
otherwise OK. Please make it simple for a beginner.