Update Query



Hi Everyone,

I can't get my update query to work. In ColumnA I have a
serial number in ColmnB purchaser codes. I want to
update columnA so that the serial number is overwritten
with the word "fop" if the corresponding purchaser code
is one 20 particular codes . On the criteria I Have put
[columnA]<> ada And <>dfa And <>etc, this does not work,
have tried using OR and this does not work because for
each all serial numbers get overwritten regardless of
purchaser codes. I know this sounds confusing but please
can somebody help!!



Add a WHERE clause to your purchaser field and insert "A" or "B" , etc.
under criteria. Change the query type to SELECT and run this query to see
whather the query result looks correct. If it is, then change the query
type to UPDATE and insert the replacement field. Run the update query and
confirm that changes have been made.

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