update query



I have jobs due be pulled up on a form - click on location on a map(form) the
cleaning jobs due in that room come up with a DAte done field and who has
done the job to be filled out.

I would like this info to go to a given(different) table (update query??)
and then cleared for the next DAY (new day) for new jobs due on that new day.
To pull up what is due- I have a frequency field that pulls up what is due
on that given day of the week (mon, wed, fri)etc.

just some backgroud info -

Form based off of query shows

job to be done
who is responsible
frequency(pulls up when due on that given DAY of the week)
link to procedure

to be input by user
date done
who did it

Thanks for your input - not sure if update query applicable here and how the
CLEAR the form for the next time that same day of the week that comes up

Right now I run the select query and shows jobs done previously (date done
and by who)


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