Update Report



I have a report that doesnt show all of my data from the table. It worked the
first time, then yesterday I added more entries. It only shows the older
entries now. I'm sure this is probably something simple that I'm overlooking,
but can someone please tell me how to get my Report to update so that it
shows all records in the table every time? Thanks for your help!!

Duane Hookom

Open the report in design view and find the record source. View the record
source in design and try to troubleshoot.

If you can't figure out your problem, come back with what you have discovered.


The Record Source is my Work Order Main Info Table, which is linked to my
Order Items Table. I have a form to enter this info into the table, the Main
Form being the Work Order Main Info table, and the subform being the Order
Items Table. Is it not updating because the Record Source should be the
query? I will keep working on it.

Duane Hookom

What do you see in the datasheet view of your record source? What is the SQL
view of your record source?


If I am reading your question right...the datasheet view of the record source
would be the datasheet view of the table. I will try to show what it looks
like below.

Work Order# Customer Customer PO# Date Issued Ship Date
Approved By
+ 1234 J Doe 1 3/1/10
3/2/10 tsquared

Then when you click the + sign, it shows all the info from the Order Items
table, which has 11 more fields.


Here is the sql view of the query.

SELECT [Work Order Main Info].[Work Order#] AS [Work Order Main Info_Work
Order#], [Work Order Main Info].Customer, [Work Order Main Info].[Customer
PO#], [Work Order Main Info].[Date Issued], [Work Order Main Info].[Ship
Date], [Work Order Main Info].[Approved By], [Order Items].ID, [Order
Items].[Work Order#] AS [Order Items_Work Order#], [Order Items].[Seal
Profile], [Order Items].Material, [Order Items].Quantity, [Order Items].[DVL
(inches)], [Order Items].[Total Length (ft)], [Order Items].Configuration,
[Order Items].[Valve Type], [Order Items].[Valve Location], [Order
Items].[Valve Length], [Order Items].Notes
FROM [Work Order Main Info] INNER JOIN [Order Items] ON [Work Order Main
Info].[Work Order#] = [Order Items].[Work Order#];


Work Order Main Info_Work Order# Customer Customer PO# Date Issued Ship
Date Approved By ID Order Items_Work Order# Seal
Profile Material Quantity DVL (inches) Total Length (ft) Configuration Valve
Type Valve Location Valve Length Notes
1777 Continental 6373 2 /19/2010 2 /25/2010 Travis
Thompson 3 1777 DR5 EPDM 6 372 0 endless "1/4"" tubing" end "10"""
1777 Continental 6373 2 /19/2010 2 /25/2010 Travis
Thompson 4 1777 DR5 EPDM 6 278 0 endless "1/4"" tubing" end "10"""
1788 Likon 8773 2 /24/2010 3 /12/2010 Travis
Thompson 6 1788 DR62 EPDM 2 252 0 see drawing "1/4"" tubing" See
Drawing "20""" 2 Different valve locations, Molded Corners, Check Drawings
1790 Land O' Frost L101359 2 /26/2010 3 /1 /2010 Travis
Thompson 9 1790 DR3 NEOPRENE 4 286 0 endless MCV 2' from splice 3'
tubing Smokehouse gasket. Fabric Reinforced Splice
1791 Johnson Packing 00054789 2 /26/2010 3 /2 /2010 Travis
Thompson 7 1791 DR3 EPDM 2 256 0 endless "1/2"" tubing" out base "5 3/4""
long" "Swivel connections on end of tube. DO NOT SHIP without special air

Put on seal part # BL10110A29699G35R3"
1791 Johnson Packing 00054789 2 /26/2010 3 /2 /2010 Travis
Thompson 8 1791 DR3 EPDM 2 312 0 endless "1/2"" tubing" out base "5 3/4""
long" "Swivel connections on end of tube. DO NOT SHIP without special air

Put on seal part # BL10110A29699G45R4"
1792 Apollo Bathware 17075 2 /26/2010 3 /5 /2010 Travis
Thompson 13 1792 DR2 EPDM 2 62 0 square "1/4"" tubing" out base from right
corner "36""" "See Drawing.

Valve out base as close to right corner as possible"
1793 Graco Endisys 1098391 3 /1 /2010 3 /1 /2010 Travis
Thompson 10 1793 DR3 NEOPRENE 20 60 0 Circle custom out
base "22.5""" "Endisys Seals

Brand with 15X729 M10"
1794 Lewis Goetz and Co. (FL) JK013310 3 /1 /2010 3 /2 /2010 Travis
Thompson 11 1794 DR30 SILICONE 1 270 0 straight M6 - on side "4 1/2"" from
one end" Vulcanize the ends.
1795 Foster Farms (Turlock) 4500691490 3 /1 /2010 3 /1 /2010 Travis
Thompson 12 1795 DR3 NEOPRENE 3 262 0 endless MCV out base 3'
tubing Smokehouse gasket. Fabric Reinforced Splice.
1796 Quality Sausage Co. 10-p0406 3 /2 /2010 3 /8 /2010 Travis
Thompson 15 1796 DR3 NEOPRENE 4 245 0 endless MCV out base 3' hose Smokehouse
1797 Smithfield (Grayson, KY) Sample 3 /2 /2010 3 /8 /2010 Travis
Thompson 14 1797 DR3 SILICONE 1 322 0 endless MCV out base 3' hose Smokehouse

Duane Hookom

Does the datasheet show everything that you want to display in the report?

One thing to keep in mind is that no Work Orders will display that don't
have Order Items. If this is an issue, change the JOIN to include all records
from the Work Orders table.

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

tsquared1518 said:
Here is the sql view of the query.

SELECT [Work Order Main Info].[Work Order#] AS [Work Order Main Info_Work
Order#], [Work Order Main Info].Customer, [Work Order Main Info].[Customer
PO#], [Work Order Main Info].[Date Issued], [Work Order Main Info].[Ship
Date], [Work Order Main Info].[Approved By], [Order Items].ID, [Order
Items].[Work Order#] AS [Order Items_Work Order#], [Order Items].[Seal
Profile], [Order Items].Material, [Order Items].Quantity, [Order Items].[DVL
(inches)], [Order Items].[Total Length (ft)], [Order Items].Configuration,
[Order Items].[Valve Type], [Order Items].[Valve Location], [Order
Items].[Valve Length], [Order Items].Notes
FROM [Work Order Main Info] INNER JOIN [Order Items] ON [Work Order Main
Info].[Work Order#] = [Order Items].[Work Order#];

Duane Hookom said:
What do you see in the datasheet view of your record source? What is the SQL
view of your record source?


The datasheet shows everything that I want to display in the report. All Work
Orders will have at least 1 Order Item, so that won't be a problem.

Duane Hookom said:
Does the datasheet show everything that you want to display in the report?

One thing to keep in mind is that no Work Orders will display that don't
have Order Items. If this is an issue, change the JOIN to include all records
from the Work Orders table.

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

tsquared1518 said:
Here is the sql view of the query.

SELECT [Work Order Main Info].[Work Order#] AS [Work Order Main Info_Work
Order#], [Work Order Main Info].Customer, [Work Order Main Info].[Customer
PO#], [Work Order Main Info].[Date Issued], [Work Order Main Info].[Ship
Date], [Work Order Main Info].[Approved By], [Order Items].ID, [Order
Items].[Work Order#] AS [Order Items_Work Order#], [Order Items].[Seal
Profile], [Order Items].Material, [Order Items].Quantity, [Order Items].[DVL
(inches)], [Order Items].[Total Length (ft)], [Order Items].Configuration,
[Order Items].[Valve Type], [Order Items].[Valve Location], [Order
Items].[Valve Length], [Order Items].Notes
FROM [Work Order Main Info] INNER JOIN [Order Items] ON [Work Order Main
Info].[Work Order#] = [Order Items].[Work Order#];

Duane Hookom said:
What do you see in the datasheet view of your record source? What is the SQL
view of your record source?

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP


The Record Source is my Work Order Main Info Table, which is linked to my
Order Items Table. I have a form to enter this info into the table, the Main
Form being the Work Order Main Info table, and the subform being the Order
Items Table. Is it not updating because the Record Source should be the
query? I will keep working on it.


Open the report in design view and find the record source. View the record
source in design and try to troubleshoot.

If you can't figure out your problem, come back with what you have discovered.

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP


I have a report that doesnt show all of my data from the table. It worked the
first time, then yesterday I added more entries. It only shows the older
entries now. I'm sure this is probably something simple that I'm overlooking,
but can someone please tell me how to get my Report to update so that it
shows all records in the table every time? Thanks for your help!!

Duane Hookom

If the records are in the datasheet view of the report but don't display in
the report then I would check the filter property. Also, make sure the
controls are in the proper sections of the report.

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

tsquared1518 said:
The datasheet shows everything that I want to display in the report. All Work
Orders will have at least 1 Order Item, so that won't be a problem.

Duane Hookom said:
Does the datasheet show everything that you want to display in the report?

One thing to keep in mind is that no Work Orders will display that don't
have Order Items. If this is an issue, change the JOIN to include all records
from the Work Orders table.

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

tsquared1518 said:
Here is the sql view of the query.

SELECT [Work Order Main Info].[Work Order#] AS [Work Order Main Info_Work
Order#], [Work Order Main Info].Customer, [Work Order Main Info].[Customer
PO#], [Work Order Main Info].[Date Issued], [Work Order Main Info].[Ship
Date], [Work Order Main Info].[Approved By], [Order Items].ID, [Order
Items].[Work Order#] AS [Order Items_Work Order#], [Order Items].[Seal
Profile], [Order Items].Material, [Order Items].Quantity, [Order Items].[DVL
(inches)], [Order Items].[Total Length (ft)], [Order Items].Configuration,
[Order Items].[Valve Type], [Order Items].[Valve Location], [Order
Items].[Valve Length], [Order Items].Notes
FROM [Work Order Main Info] INNER JOIN [Order Items] ON [Work Order Main
Info].[Work Order#] = [Order Items].[Work Order#];


What do you see in the datasheet view of your record source? What is the SQL
view of your record source?

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP


The Record Source is my Work Order Main Info Table, which is linked to my
Order Items Table. I have a form to enter this info into the table, the Main
Form being the Work Order Main Info table, and the subform being the Order
Items Table. Is it not updating because the Record Source should be the
query? I will keep working on it.


Open the report in design view and find the record source. View the record
source in design and try to troubleshoot.

If you can't figure out your problem, come back with what you have discovered.

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP


I have a report that doesnt show all of my data from the table. It worked the
first time, then yesterday I added more entries. It only shows the older
entries now. I'm sure this is probably something simple that I'm overlooking,
but can someone please tell me how to get my Report to update so that it
shows all records in the table every time? Thanks for your help!!


The filter property is blank, the filter on property says no. I may just try
starting the report from scratch.

Duane Hookom said:
If the records are in the datasheet view of the report but don't display in
the report then I would check the filter property. Also, make sure the
controls are in the proper sections of the report.

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

tsquared1518 said:
The datasheet shows everything that I want to display in the report. All Work
Orders will have at least 1 Order Item, so that won't be a problem.

Duane Hookom said:
Does the datasheet show everything that you want to display in the report?

One thing to keep in mind is that no Work Orders will display that don't
have Order Items. If this is an issue, change the JOIN to include all records
from the Work Orders table.

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP


Here is the sql view of the query.

SELECT [Work Order Main Info].[Work Order#] AS [Work Order Main Info_Work
Order#], [Work Order Main Info].Customer, [Work Order Main Info].[Customer
PO#], [Work Order Main Info].[Date Issued], [Work Order Main Info].[Ship
Date], [Work Order Main Info].[Approved By], [Order Items].ID, [Order
Items].[Work Order#] AS [Order Items_Work Order#], [Order Items].[Seal
Profile], [Order Items].Material, [Order Items].Quantity, [Order Items].[DVL
(inches)], [Order Items].[Total Length (ft)], [Order Items].Configuration,
[Order Items].[Valve Type], [Order Items].[Valve Location], [Order
Items].[Valve Length], [Order Items].Notes
FROM [Work Order Main Info] INNER JOIN [Order Items] ON [Work Order Main
Info].[Work Order#] = [Order Items].[Work Order#];


What do you see in the datasheet view of your record source? What is the SQL
view of your record source?

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP


The Record Source is my Work Order Main Info Table, which is linked to my
Order Items Table. I have a form to enter this info into the table, the Main
Form being the Work Order Main Info table, and the subform being the Order
Items Table. Is it not updating because the Record Source should be the
query? I will keep working on it.


Open the report in design view and find the record source. View the record
source in design and try to troubleshoot.

If you can't figure out your problem, come back with what you have discovered.

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP


I have a report that doesnt show all of my data from the table. It worked the
first time, then yesterday I added more entries. It only shows the older
entries now. I'm sure this is probably something simple that I'm overlooking,
but can someone please tell me how to get my Report to update so that it
shows all records in the table every time? Thanks for your help!!

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