update shapes in visio drawing


Martin Englund


If someone could solve the following problem I think it would save a lot of
time for many people:

Let's say I have created a template including some macros and a stencil
where the masters have some custom properties.
I use the template to created a drawing.
Now, say that a custom property is added or removed from a master, what/how
do I do to replace all the shapes in the drawing, which are copies of the
changed master, without doing it by-hand?

Is there any function or sub-routine in Visio 2002 Pro for this "update
visio drawing"-problem?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Do you wish to change a drawing open now only?
For a open drawing, i think you can do it, if you can make VBA macro, and
if the drawing-stencil is changed first.

Martin Englund

My idea was to change the stencil (the master), then look at all
document.shapes.name (in VBA) and see if the name coincides with the changed
master´s name, and if it does I cut all custom prop. temporarily, delete the
old shape, drop the new one and paste the cust.prop.
Do you think this will work or is there an "build-in" alternative in visio?


No. ..., look at the master in drawing stencil,
set master = document.masters("master´s name")
, change the custom property of shape in this master,
master.shapes(index), index=1, if master is a simple shape.
All the shapes coppied from same master in the stencil
, document.shapes(("master´s name" or (("master´s name.number"), will be
And then, if needed, look at all shapes in the drawing.

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