Hi, I have a form call Project which generates a control_number for each
project created. On this form I have a button that opens another form for
employee assignment to the project. This form displays the current project
control_number you are assigning to, it has a subform that display the list
of employees to be assigned and a checkbox for assignment selection. When
the check box value is true it adds the assigned employees to a temp table.
I want the project control number on the form to be be added to the
assignment. How do I update the table with the value from the form . I have
tried numerous suggestion from this web site but I am unable to succefully
apply what I have read to my problem. Please help. Thank you in advance.
strSQL = UPDATE [ActiveEmp_Temp] SET (ActiveEmp_Temp.Control_Number =
project created. On this form I have a button that opens another form for
employee assignment to the project. This form displays the current project
control_number you are assigning to, it has a subform that display the list
of employees to be assigned and a checkbox for assignment selection. When
the check box value is true it adds the assigned employees to a temp table.
I want the project control number on the form to be be added to the
assignment. How do I update the table with the value from the form . I have
tried numerous suggestion from this web site but I am unable to succefully
apply what I have read to my problem. Please help. Thank you in advance.
strSQL = UPDATE [ActiveEmp_Temp] SET (ActiveEmp_Temp.Control_Number =