On my access form i will select record and then click button submit. It will
open asp page. So my selected record will populate to asp page and i clisk
finish, it will send data to client. When i did click on finish it will open
next page with text saying they received data and assigned a new number. What
i need to do is update that assigned new number to access table.
Here is my code in access db;
Private Sub cmdRun_Click()
Dim mdoc As Object
Dim strNewNumber As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cn As Connection
Dim loopCnt As Integer
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
Set obj = Nothing
Set obj = New InternetExplorer
rst.Open "select * from tblEmployee", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
obj.Navigate2 "C:\Dev\Submit.asp", False
logLoaded = False
obj.Visible = True
Do Until logLoaded
Set mdoc = obj.Document
logLoaded = False
obj.Visible = True
Do Until logLoaded
Set mdoc = obj.Document
strNumber = mdoc.all("NewNumber")
strSQL = "UPDATE tblEmployee SET tblEmployee.txtNumber ='" & strNumber &
" ' " _
& "WHERE (((tblEmployee.ID)=Forms!frmProvider!intID));"
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
cn.Execute strSQL
Set cn = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
Set mdoc = Nothing
End Sub
Please let me know what i need to do to make this work.
Thank you.
open asp page. So my selected record will populate to asp page and i clisk
finish, it will send data to client. When i did click on finish it will open
next page with text saying they received data and assigned a new number. What
i need to do is update that assigned new number to access table.
Here is my code in access db;
Private Sub cmdRun_Click()
Dim mdoc As Object
Dim strNewNumber As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cn As Connection
Dim loopCnt As Integer
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
Set obj = Nothing
Set obj = New InternetExplorer
rst.Open "select * from tblEmployee", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
obj.Navigate2 "C:\Dev\Submit.asp", False
logLoaded = False
obj.Visible = True
Do Until logLoaded
Set mdoc = obj.Document
logLoaded = False
obj.Visible = True
Do Until logLoaded
Set mdoc = obj.Document
strNumber = mdoc.all("NewNumber")
strSQL = "UPDATE tblEmployee SET tblEmployee.txtNumber ='" & strNumber &
" ' " _
& "WHERE (((tblEmployee.ID)=Forms!frmProvider!intID));"
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
cn.Execute strSQL
Set cn = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
Set mdoc = Nothing
End Sub
Please let me know what i need to do to make this work.
Thank you.