Update timesheet in Project Server




I'm trying to update a timesheet in Project Server, and
having some difficulty. I have multiple tasks assigned
to a particular team member within a project. When they
open their timesheet, they can enter actual work and
remaining work for some of these tasks, but not for all
of the tasks. In fact, they can not even type data in
the ActiveX control for some of these tasks. (I've
specified that resources update actual and remaining time
via PWA).

I've tried the same thing as the administrator, using the
Adjust Actuals function, with the same result. The cells
in the ActiveX control for these tasks are grayed out,
where others allow entry.

Has anyone seen this type of behavior before?

Dale Howard

Gracie --

When team members see behavior like this in their View My Tasks page, one
potential cause is that one or more project managers are not using your
company's default method of tracking progress in their projects. If your
Project Server administrator has not "locked down" your company's default
method of tracking progress, then each PM can set the method of tracking
progress on a project by project basis (Tools - Customize - Published
Fieds). When a PM sets an alternate method of tracking progress in a
project, and publishes the project, each team member in that project will
see the alternate method of tracking progress applied to their tasks from
the project in PWA.

For example, if your company's default method of tracking progress is "Hours
of Work Done Per Day or Per Week", and a PM publishes a project using this
method, then the fields that will be unlocked for editing in the View My
Tasks page will be the Actual Work cells in the Timesheet (timephased grid
in the right half of the page) and the Remaining Work column in the task
list in the left half of the page. If another PM decides to use a different
method of tracking for their project, and sets the method in their project
as "% Work Complete, and publishes the project, then the ONLY fields that
will be unlocked for editing for tasks in that project will be the % Work
Complete and the Remaining Work columns in the task list. For tasks in that
project, the Actual Work cells in the Timesheet itself will ALL be locked.

What I am wondering is if the tasks that are locked for your team members
are in projects other than those for which your people can enter their
Actual Work and Remaining Work. If so, then I would say that a project
manager has selected their own method of tracking progress. If this is the
case, the PM should do the following to correct the problem:

1. Open the offending project
2. Click Tools - Customize - Published Fields
3. Select the company's method of tracking progress and click OK
4. Click Collaborate - Publish - Republish Assignments and click OK

This will "push" the correct method of tracking progress to each user's
timesheet in PWA. Please note, however, that any tasks which have
progressed entered already will still use the former method of tracking

If what I have described is not your problem, please let us know more
specifics about your problem. Otherwise, I hope this helps.


Thanks - I checked that, and the project manager was
using the default method for this project, which was set
to actual and remaining hours. I republished the plan as
well - same thing happens.

In this specific plan, the team member has some tasks
that they can update (hours and remaining work), and some
that they can't update at all (they can't enter data into
the controls). I can't see any difference between the
tasks, in Project, in Project Server, or in the database

Any other ideas?


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