Updating from Excel/Access to Visio works well "out of the Box" in Visio,
but the other way around some Add-in is needed.
Once I managed to configure the Add-in->Database-Wizard correctly, so that
data was correctly synchronized from Visio to Excel/Access and the other way
But know, I can't manage to configure the Wizard correctly anymore... there
are so many possibilities... I wonder if someone has some knowledge in this
What I have and would like to have working:
- I have shpes in my drawing, that are linked to Access or Excel
- I would like to be able to make changes to the ShapeDate of some shapes,
and make these changes update to Access/Excel in one "update-click" (not
click update on every shape I made changes to)
I would really help me out, if someone could help me.
Thanks in advance!!
Updating from Excel/Access to Visio works well "out of the Box" in Visio,
but the other way around some Add-in is needed.
Once I managed to configure the Add-in->Database-Wizard correctly, so that
data was correctly synchronized from Visio to Excel/Access and the other way
But know, I can't manage to configure the Wizard correctly anymore... there
are so many possibilities... I wonder if someone has some knowledge in this
What I have and would like to have working:
- I have shpes in my drawing, that are linked to Access or Excel
- I would like to be able to make changes to the ShapeDate of some shapes,
and make these changes update to Access/Excel in one "update-click" (not
click update on every shape I made changes to)
I would really help me out, if someone could help me.
Thanks in advance!!