
Using the database Results wizard in Frontpage I have set up a database
editor page but get a database connection error when I verify the criteria:
Server error: Unable to retrieve schema information from the query:

UPDATE Results SET Sector = '1' , Company = '2' , Contact = '3' , Website =
'4' , Email = '5' , Telephone = '6' , Address = '7' , Position = '8' , Area =
'9' , Salary = '10' , Per = '11' , Description = '12' , Remote_computer_name
= '13' , Timestamp = '14' , Ref = '15' , subject = '16' , User_name = '17' ,
Browser_type = '18' WHERE (ID = 19)

The following error message comes from the database driver software; it may
appear in a different language depending on how the driver is configured.
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Number: -2147217900 (0x80040e14)

This is the SQL statement:

UPDATE Results SET Sector = '::Sector::' , Company = '::Company::' , Contact
= '::Contact::' , Website = '::Website::' , Email = '::Email::' , Telephone =
'::Telephone::' , Address = '::Address::' , Position = '::position::' , Area
= '::Area::' , Salary = '::Salary::' , Per = '::per::' , Description =
'::Description::' , Remote_computer_name = '::Remote_computer_name::' ,
Timestamp = '::Timestamp::' , Ref = '::Ref::' , subject = '::subject::' ,
User_name = '::User_name::' , Browser_type = '::Browser_type::' WHERE (ID =

I would appreciate your help!

Anna Mac

Douglas J Steele

Are all of the fields Text fields (with the exception of ID)? That's what
your UPDATE statement is assuming...

If the fields are numeric, remove the single quotes.


Hi Doug, Yes that's correct. Actually I have done some more research - it
seems that Timestamp is a reserved word and had to be put in square brackets,
plus any fields that may be empty had to be designated as yes for zero
length. Now it works.


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