Updateable query changes to non-updateable




I have a form which is populated via a query which is updateable(Inner
join of 2 tables are present in the query). When I add a third table to
the query, the query becomes non-updateable.

Initial - (Table1 INNER JOIN Table2)
New - (Table1 INNER JOIN Table2) LEFT JOIN Table3

Any solutions.

Rick Brandt


I have a form which is populated via a query which is updateable(Inner
join of 2 tables are present in the query). When I add a third table
to the query, the query becomes non-updateable.

Initial - (Table1 INNER JOIN Table2)
New - (Table1 INNER JOIN Table2) LEFT JOIN Table3

There is an entire help topic named "When can I update Data in a query?"
that covers this topic. Basically there are many thinngs about a query that
will render it as read only. Having it include multiple tables is one thing
that "can" cause this, but it depends on other factors so often a
multi-table query can be tweaked so that it will allow edits. As you have
seen though, the more tables you add the tougher this can become.

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