That part bothers me too but I can't put the blame on the poster. Maybe they
just don't know about using a newsreader. (I'm trying to give them the
benefit of the doubt. I don't always do that but I'm trying.)
JoAnn Paules
Microsoft MVP - Publisher
How to ask a question
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
And a lousy one that does not show quoted threads at that. I skip them
whenever possible and have tried killfiling them... we will see how that
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, JoAnn Paules asked:
| It's a website for asking tech questions.
| || I'm almost afraid to ask... there used to be a computer store called
|| Egghead, which filed for bankruptcy in 2001.
|| --
|| Herb Tyson MS MVP
|| Author of the Word 2007 Bible
|| Blog:
|| Web:
|| ||| Herb: This is the way Eggheaders post in all the newsgroups.
||| Tom
||| |||| Hundreds of messages are posted to
|||| each day. "Same problem here" might refer to any of a number of
|||| messages.
|||| If you could fully articulate the problem you're having--or
|||| respond in the thread [apparently] begun by the other person, or
|||| at the very least quote enough of the original message so we could
|||| see what we're dealing with--then someone might be able to take a
|||| stab at trying to help fix it.
|||| Please say which version(s) of the software you're using, as well,
|||| since that can make a different in how one would go about
|||| troubleshooting the problem.
|||| --
|||| Herb Tyson MS MVP
|||| Author of the Word 2007 Bible
|||| Blog:
|||| Web:
|||| "john valentine" wrote in message
||| ||||| We are having the identical issue since the 27th. It only affects
||||| a couple of users,but those affected cannot accept or decline
||||| meeting requests. Like Jollyvenu I can login to the mailbox from
||||| another PC and have no trouble accepting the invitation.
||||| - .NET Developer Portal of Choice