Fair enough about the ctrl-S however, I did state in my original post that I
am running Word 2000. Now on to more details.
I created Policy.doc based normal.dot and am copying Policy.doc and
inserting some text and saving the file with a different name. I have about
20 copies (all with different names) of the original Policy.doc. If I change
the pagination or the file name of Policy1.doc, Policy2.doc Policy3.doc etc.,
the page numbers in the header update immediately and the filename field in
the footer updates once I've done a print preview. These changes (page# and
filename field) as well as any edits to the text or heading text are saved
and remain saved once the document is saved and closed then reopened. Any
changes to any of the text formatted as Heading 1 or 2 are saved once the
entire TOC is updated then the doc is saved, closed and reopened.
However, if I updated the page numbers in the TOC, then save, close and
reopen the doc, I see that the page numbers in the TOC have reverted to what
they were before I updated them (side note: the page numbers that the TOC
seems to be reverting to are exactly the same as the page numbers in the TOC
of the original Policy.doc that I copied and renamed).
I have tried deleting the original TOC in the copied file and re-inserting
another TOC and the updated page numbers still do not "stick". The original
and re-inserted TOC end up with the same field code and is as follows: {TOC
\O "2-2" \H \Z \T "HEADING 1,1,HEADING 2,2"}.
I've also tried updating the TOC then save, close and reopen on another
computer and that didn't work either.
I'm stumped because this problem has never happened with any of the other
hundreds of documents I've copied, then saved as a differend file.