Updated weather information in PowerPoint X


Jason McDonald

Is there a way to get info from http://www.noaa.gov/ (the National Weather
Service) and automatically transfer the information into PowerPoint? Not
call a web browser with the site in a separate window from Powerpoint, but
to actually have a PowerPoint slide updated with information from the
website itself?


Jason McDonald

Thanks. That worked for the text files, but not for the images or movies. Is
there a way to do it for those as well?

Also, will the excel file update each time the slide is accessed in
PowerPoint? It's not much use if the file remains the same.

Thanks for your help, your pages were really informative.

Jim Gordon

Hi again,

Excel will display an external data toolbar when the selection cursor is in
a web query (if you turned it off, turn it on again in View > Toolbars).

There is a button on that toolbar that lets you control when and how the
query will be refreshed. You will probably need to double-click the embedded
workbook to get the query refresh to occur.

If you want to get more than tabular data you'll need to use Internet
Explorer. On the IE favorites menu choose Subscribe then click Options.

Adjust the settings on the Schedule tab to establish a schedule to your

Click the Offline tab. Add a checkbox to "Download Site for Offline
browsing." then click Options and choose what web elements you want to
capture, and make a note of the file name and download location. Then Click
OK to save your settings.

In PowerPoint, select an object (a button, clip art, text box, etc) and then
use Insert > Hyperlink. On the Document tab click the Select button, then
navigate to the file that IE is using to subscribe to. The web page will
display in Internet Explorer, not PowerPoint, but I think that is as close
as you can get to accomplishing your goal.

-Jim Gordon

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