Updates don't flow to PWA


Daniel McG

We are currently still experimenting with Project and PWA. I have installed
the add-in for outlook to sync to PWA. When people are updating tasks from
outlook or PWA, it doesn't always update to the project. I have added a rule
in the Task update section to just approve all of the tasks when they flow
in, but even that has to be run every time I get an update, even though I
have it to run all the time. There are times when I will go into the Project
Properties and it will say that I need to publish and save because of
updates. At times that doesn't update the project itself. Any help would be
greatly appreciated!


Are any users using "My Timesheet" to update their tasks? If so the data
will not automatically flow.

Jim Erwin

I think publishing the project should get all those updates to appear
in PWA. Publishing from the web interface has a few little glitches
(I was experiencing where I had to change a custom field value, or
else the publish wouldn't take effect) and sometimes might not work,
so I recommend always publishing from Project Pro. Please post back
if this resolves the issue.

Daniel McG

Unfortunately the people who will be doing the updating to the project don't
have access to project pro, they can only access PWA and their tasks in

Jonathan Sofer

You can publish the projects via PWA>Edit Properties but I there are many
things that don't get calculated via the web publishing (i.e. graphical
indicators, formulas calculations or anything requiring the F9 calculation
to run on the client). My best guess is that task updates are one of those
items that don't publish via the web publishing but it doesn't hurt to try.


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