Updates going missing in PWA



A resource is recording time to their PWA timesheet and clicks the update all
button . All ok so far...Problem - The update made by this resource does not
appear in the update page of the Project Manager? Also no email is sent to
the PM Either.

If the Resource changes their timesheet and then clicks the update all ,
sometimes the update then appears in the PM's Update Page...and What could be
causing this?
Does PWA has some sort of viewdrop folder where this stuff goes and gets
collected? Any help would be appreicated


You can restart the ME Project server Views Notification service which has
most probably stopped.


Ok i will try that..but why does it only happen sometimes and with only some

Tim in Montreal

I am using PWA 2003. I do not use notifications, but I also have the same

I verify my update page on a weekly basis. Every week, there are some users
whose time does not appears properly. Their submitted tasks are listed, but
their time entered is empty or incomplete.

Is this a procedure problem (end user or project management) or a PWA
technical problem.

I would gladly appreciate clarification.
Thank you.


We're also experiencing this issue. And it is not just for 0hr time
entries like is documented in kb 892472. It creates significant user
frustration when they are marked delinquent for not submitting 40hrs
for the week.

I can't see any real pattern to when it occurs. It happens on
different machines to different users. The only real consistency I've
seen is that it occurs when users have entered their time across
multiple projects. That would be an user who entered 40hrs for a week
across 3 or 4 projects and 15 or 20 tasks. I can only guess that the
ActiveX client update is missing some time entry rows and doing a de
facto 'Update Selected Rows' instead of 'Update All'.

Has anyone reported this as a bug to Microsoft? Has anyone noticed any
other patterns of when it occurs?



I still have this issue with no resolution..Does any one know how the whole
process works? When you click on the update all button on your timesheet what
happens next in the system to then send the update to the updates page in
PWA?? if we know this then maybe we can trouble shoot further...any help
would be appreicated..

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