Updates to recurring meetings



I was dismayed recently when I sent an update to attendees for a series of meetings only to find that each person received 9 updates from me. . . which meant that I received acceptances from 15 people times 9. I understand now that in Outlook 2002 when I change an individual occurrance in a series, an update will be sent for the series, but also for each meeting that has been changed. Given that, lately, any particular series will undergo a large number of changes can you tell me exactly what activity creates these individual updates out of a series? Does this occur if
- I add someone to the distribution and send that person an update
- I delete a person from the meeting and send him an update (and what if I don't send an update
- I forward the meeting to someone outside of the regular distribution, o
- I change the meeting in my own personal view without sending to anyone

Your help in understanding this better is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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