

Albert D. Kallal

Where did you hear such silly talk?

Do you have a reference, or a link to someone with a creditable brain, or a
functioning mind that you an quote here?

I guess I am really asking for some credible source of your information

Ms-access just celebrated its' 10 year of use about 1 year ago. We just seen
a new release come out last month, and the development team is hard at work
on the next version of ms-access..

While many companies who developed in platforms like VB6 are at the end, and
no new versions of VB is being considered, that is not the case with

Since ms-access is part of office, then I would have to guess the product
will be around for a another 10, or 20 years into the future. It has already
outlasted most database platforms that existed 10 years ago.

Companies who choose ms-access in the last 10 years have had a VERY LONG and
a great return on the time, and effort and money invested in choosing
ms-access as a software development tool of first choice.

I see little, or no reason to think that ms-access will not continue to be
around for another 10 years.


Okay - What about MS Access Jet Engine? I guess that was
my real question upon further reading.

Albert D. Kallal

Liz said:
Okay - What about MS Access Jet Engine? I guess that was
my real question upon further reading.

Sure, that is a fair question, and one not really of the question of

The venerable JET database engine has been around for a long time.

Today, popular products like CityDesk (web content manger), or even products
like the widely used Simply accounting package are based on JET.

Further, ms-access does by default use the JET engine. So, there is a LOT of
commercial products that use the JET engine. While Microsoft has stopped
updating the JET product, it continues to enjoy wide use. And, while
Microsoft would rather see you use a server based engine for a database
applications, it should warm your heart that the brand new version of office
2003 xp that was JUST released includes a DAO JET reference by default. This
is a significant event, since the last two versions of office DID NOT
include a dao JET reference by default.

So, really, if the brand new version of ms-access includes a dao reference
by default, that is a good sign that MS does accept the wide spread use of
the product in the marketplace. We have NOT had a dao reference included by
default since office 97, and that is fully 3 versions old! Back then, the
average computer was a Pentium I at 90 mhz. The average computer back then
had 16 megs of ram, and big computer had 32 megs of ram. That is really a
long time ago, and yet the brand new version of office 2003 includes the jet
based DAO object model reference by default. I can't really think of a
better endorsing then this fact.

So, while Microsoft has stated that JET will not receive new enhancements,
it certainly continues to ship products with JET, and I see no sign of the
product being killed, or removed from the marketplace.

On the other hand, you can still run/use software on your pc that is 20
years old.

In the early 90's Apple computer forced all software to be thrown out. They
recently did this again with their new OS. During teach time, huge amounts
of people migrated OUT of Apple. You cannot run any old mac paint software
from the Mid 1980's. (and then we wonder why MS is so successful!).

Right now, you can STILL RUN the original VisiCalc that came out for the
Original IBM pc on your new windows XP box. (we are talking about a full
spreadsheet download that is LESS THEN 32k in size, and came out in 1981!).
And, the spread sheet is not that bad. Check it out at:


My only point here is for 20 years you can still run your existing software.
In fact, you can still run the original ms-access 1.0 on your new pc which
is 10 years old. So, really, you never are FORCED by ms to upgrade. Nothing
is stopping you from ever upgrading your software. In other words, if you
want to continue to use the old VB4 version on your pc, you can. Microsoft
clearly has the BEST TRACK RECORD in the industry for forwarded
compatibility by a country mile. I have old 14 Year old FoxPro software
running on my new win XP computer right now. We are talking a 16bit system
that still runs on a brand new 32 bit system. (Microsoft had the money to
spend on this stuff to make it work, where companies like Apple left you
high and dry MANY TIMES!).

So, really, you can develop and use your current products for as long as you
want. In fact, I don't have any software that I have ever BEEN FORCED to
to. I got the Old FoxPro 2.6 version installed on this computer as I type.
memory serves me correct, that version of FoxPro goes back to 1989.
that version of FoxPro is pre-windows 3.1 and it still works. So, really,
a track record point of view, Microsoft shines as a star when it comes to
compatibility as compared to the rest of the industry.

I don't see any reason why I can't continue to use JET for years to come.

Tom Wickerath

Then you've never used Norton Utilities by Symantec. Their SpeedDisk utility worked fine
with Windows 2000 SP2. It doesn't work with SP3.

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